Do you like scavenger hunts? Are you considering taking a weekend trip to the library or a bookstore? Well, I might have the thing to get your blood pumping! Test your knowledge of fang-tastic literature with this one-of-a-kind vampire book scavenger hunt!

You can find the Scavenger Hunt here:

Now, for the answer key, you didn’t think you’d get that so easily, did you?! Well, I promise you will, but you’ll have to work a little bit for it! You can download the full scavenger hunt in several ways!

Visit Quirk's website here or go to the Hanging with Vampires web catalog page under "Exclusive Downloads"

You can also get them from off Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/document/618788915/HANGING-WITH-VAMPIRES-Scavenger-Hunt

happy hunting!

"Vibrantly illuminated" - Rosa Parks got a STARRED REVIEW in Booklist!!!

Booklist awarded the WHOHQ Graphic Novels Rosa Parks and Neil Armstrong star reviews!

In addition to that, it received the GOLD TITLE for Free Comic Book Day.

It’s so wild and weird to have any of this happen. I’m so incredibly grateful and hope that people love the book when it comes out. It was written at such a monumental time, and it makes me happy that people are already so receptive to it. When I finally get my hands on some copies, I’ll be a blubbering idiot.


hi, life has been weird. but i wrote another book?!?!

So, three important things have been happening in my life. 

  1. There's some fantastic news on the OH MY GODS books. Our second book, OH MY GODS: The Forgotten Maze, is coming out in Fall 2022. It's such a fun and exciting book that will leave everyone surprised how we attempted to put all of what we did in. Stephanie, Juliana, and I are so excited about it.

  2. Zack Snyder's cut of Justice League rules SO HARD. Never let anyone tell you differently.


I'm a massive fangirl over the WHO HQ books. Ever since I started working in libraries, I would always take a couple of them out. They pack so much history in so little time. It's incredible how it's done. 

With that said, I got the honor of writing one of the first four graphic novels WHO HQ books. There's Neil Armstrong, Joan of Arc, Cesar Chavez, and Rosa Parks, who I had the privilege of writing about. Her story is powerful, and I honestly didn't understand how much she had to go through and how much was lost in history. I'm so happy I got to tell the story, and I'll be crying immediately when the book is in my hand. 

Please head over to WHO HQ - Penguin Random House to pre-order or anywhere that books are sold if you want to support the book. Also, please support the other writers and artists who also worked on the first line. I was SHOCKED I was among these talented people. (To be honest, I'm still in shock.) 

Anyway, that's all for announcements right now. If I ever had some downtime, I want to start a newsletter where I re-visit Real Housewife franchises and write about them. 

So, guess what happened?

Something stupid excited happened. First, I’m writing the most amazing book with Stephanie Cooke with Juliana Moon illustrating. Second, that book that we’re doing got picked up by a publisher.

Say hello to OH MY GODS in Fall 2020 and Fall 2021.

Oh yeah, your new favorite homegirls got two books. It’s really scary, but holy crap am I excited to do this.

I’m also working on something else that’s super in my wheelhouse and I can’t wait to unleash all of this pent up creativity upon the world. I’m so very sorry in advance.

ONE MORE THING. We’re on the social medias. omgs.book on Instagram!


Stephanie, me and Juliana. Drawn by Juliana <3

Stephanie, me and Juliana. Drawn by Juliana <3